Tag: ICT tool
Useful tools to take Tutorials online
Maastricht university has made a list of tools and their uses to facilitate online learning for teachers and tutors. Tool wheel Tool box Have a look at how you can Collaborate, Discuss, Practice, Produce, Investigate and Acquire Knowledge in an online learning environment.
VideUM – Maastricht University video portal
Some links to sections of VideUM the Maastricht University video portal, supported by the UM library. Upload a video with access to Mediasite. Here you can upload your video Create a video step by step guides you through the entire video creation process Book a studio and book a cameraman for support options at and outside…
Knowledge clips: Openshot
If you have found/made a video for your course, and you need to edit it; perhaps delete some parts of it or add a few slides in between to provide further explanations for your students, then we can tell you about openshot. A great video-editing tool. Here is a clip that our colleagues in the library have…
GoSoapbox: voor meer interactie tijdens je college
In maart 2016 schreven we al op deze blog over de online interactietool GoSoapbox. Steeds meer docenten gebruiken de applicatie in hun onderwijs, vooral omdat ze meer interactie met hun studenten willen of voorkennis activeren. Daarnaast willen ze dat motivatie en concentratie van hun studenten toeneemt. Deze gebruiksvriendelijke tool maakt verschillende vormen van interactie tijdens…
PeerWise: Making exam questions as a student to learn!
During the EBMA annual conference: Crossing boundaries- assessment in medical education on October 14 2016, Jason Walsh of Cardiff University presented the evaluation of a formative assessment that they used at their medical school. They used the free software program PeerWise. A promising tool where students construct examen questions (multiple choice). This makes them think…
Interactive Word Cloud to activate pre-knowledge.
In my previous job as a lecturer at Hogeschool Zuyd I have run several workgroups on Qualitative Research for learning groups in their first year ICT. This course (in block 4) was more or less a continuation of a previous one about Applied Research (in block 2). To bridge both courses and to mobilise their…