Here is a poster an eposter and a video from FHML and SHE Colleagues on AR VR MR in Health Professions Education.
VR/AR/MR in medical education
Interesting tools
Blended learning environment for Medical Dutch
Here is a course developed with funding from SURF 2020 on Medical Dutch for international students studying medicine in the Netherlands.
Medical Dutch – Course design & Lesson plan -MA-updated FINAL
Medical Dutch – Opdrachten -MA-updated FINAL
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek – A set of 8 video scenarios explaining patient consultations in Dutch
In these set of videos you can find the examples of patient-doctor scenarios in Dutch
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Diabetes
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Auto-immuunziekten
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Ademhaling
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Hartziekten
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Oncologie
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Neurologie
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Abdomen
Arts – Patiënt Gesprek | Bewegingsapparaat
How to give interactive lectures
Here are a set of videos explaining how teachers can design interactive lectures in their courses.
A good structure is the key to a good presentation or lecture
How to use different tools to make your lecture more interactive?
Different teaching methodologies to make interactive lectures
Online Education
Adapting the 7 jumps to online learning changing to online 7 jump
Groupdynamics and interaction in online sessions groupdynamics and interaction
Evaluation: you and your students evalaution
Maastricht University FHML Hybrid Education Suggestions
Over the last months, the O&O taskforces have offered tailored advice to several course coordinators. The lessons learned from these collaborations and previous course evaluations have been combined into this file. We hope this document can support you in designing your courses. We deliberately re-included some of the more general, previously distributed information in the file too, offering you a more complete overview of all information currently available. Hybrid_education_at_FHML7jan2021
Roadmap to find assistance and info at UM
Roadmap for support with remote teaching and learning
This Pdf helps you on how and where to find information and assistance
UM Canvas information
Instruction videos for UM staff and Students
A quick Canvas tour for tutors
A quick Canvas tour for studentsCanvas theme sessions
More on Canvas for teachers, tutors and coordinators
Showcase Canvas instruction videosCanvas Theme Sessions: Register for mini webinars