Higher Education Conference in Amsterdam
Between July 13th and July 15th 2016 the Higher Education Conference took place in Amsterdam. It was a combination of the Special Interest Group on Higher Education of EARLI and the EERA Higher Education Network. Two paper sessions dealt explicitly with blended and online education. It started with a seemingly promising contribution on MOOCs as…
UM MOOC Problem-Based Learning: Principles and Design
Students at the centre! Maastricht University (UM) has a strong tradition in Problem-Based Learning (PBL), focussing on small-group learning centered around authentic problems. At first sight, this is in contrast with the large-scale and often teacher-driven set-up of MOOCs. UM is, however, interested in exploring the potential of online PBL and the potential of MOOCs.…
MOOC over Blended Learning op FutureLearn en MOOC Café bij SURF
bron: SURF De MOOC ‘Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started’ op FutureLearn is bedoeld voor mensen die kennis willen maken met de ins & outs van blended learning. Wat verstaan we onder blended learning? Wat zijn de voordelen? Welke leeromgevingen, tools en (open) leermaterialen zijn beschikbaar? En hoe ontwerpt u blended onderwijs? De MOOC loopt van…