Tag: PBL
Creative PBL Practices at Maastricht University
We have creative teachers who are adding their own spice to teaching and are practicing creative PBL methods at Maastricht University. During 2018 we interviewed 10 of these teachers. The Instructional Design & E-learning task force (FHML) in collaboration with the Library and EDLAB have published the collection here https://edlab.nl/innovation/media/ OR https://edlab.nl/creative-pbl/ .
UM MOOC Problem-Based Learning: Principles and Design
Students at the centre! Maastricht University (UM) has a strong tradition in Problem-Based Learning (PBL), focussing on small-group learning centered around authentic problems. At first sight, this is in contrast with the large-scale and often teacher-driven set-up of MOOCs. UM is, however, interested in exploring the potential of online PBL and the potential of MOOCs.…
Hoe kan E-Learning de principes van PBL ondersteunen?
Probleemgestuurd onderwijs (PBL) is de belangrijkste onderwijsvorm binnen onze faculteit. De principes achter PBL, cooperatief leren, constructief leren, contextueel leren en zelfsturend leren, stellen andere eisen aan E-Learning middelen, dan standaard klassikaal onderwijs, of zelfstudie (Donkers, et.al., 2010). In een recente systematische literatuurstudie (Verstegen, et.al., 2016) hebben we onderzocht hoe E-Learning de principes van PBL…